Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hidden Gems

Original Hidden Gems 1

  I'm over sequels, prequels and reboots. Every comic book movie is the same as the next and the same as the last. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes just came out and that is a sequel to a prequel of a rebooted franchise, kill me now. If you feel the same way, I have a list for you. Below are 5 movies released in the past year that are original! Yes they still make those! Not all of these movies may be for you but give them a try. Even if you don't enjoy them at least you spent your time watching something unique instead of a man in tights destroy endless amounts of buildings to save the world.
  Sadly, as of now, none are on Netflix instant but 1 or 2 are on Amazon Instant. So RedBox, On-Demand or download these hidden gems but don't watch the trailer! All of these are unique in their own way and you don't need a Hollywood trailer to give you half the story away.


I recently saw this myself with no expectations, and I loved it. I now need to go back and edit my top movies of 2013 because this is definitely in the top 10. With that said, and understanding expectations, it is a slow movie that most people will find ends "cheaply". To those people I say, read about it, watch it again and look beyond what is provided directly to you. It's not a horror movie, but it is easily one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. Watch it and you'll know why.

The Double

Without giving anything away, watching this and Enemy in the same week, is a little...much. And although I found Enemy the better of the two, this film has more energy and character. This has a Dark City-esque feel to it and along with some humor and strange imagery, it feels very 'Brazil' like. It features a good performance by Jesse Eisenberg who does both paranoia and cockiness well. Again, like Enemy, it's not a film that all will enjoy but it is a film that should be appreciated.

Cheap Thrills


Probably the most low brow of the movies on this list. Cheap Thrills is pretty much embodied by the short, cheesy and direct title. Unlike the movies above, there is no psychological play here. It is a straight forward smash you in the face dark comedy with some cheap thrills added, pun intended. The tension rises with every scene and although at times, a little too formulaic, it works as a crowd pleaser. You'll enjoy this movie. Again...don't watch the trailer.

Dom Hemmingway

There isn't much I need to say about Dom Hemmingway but this: If you don't mind British accents and cursing, than you will love this movie, no doubt about it. I don't know how Jude Law wasn't nominated for his role as Dom, but it's probably due to the British accent and cursing. Not only is it a hilariously crass movie, it's also a very intelligent one. It's a well made movie, that has the quality of Hollywood but isn't. Don't expect your typical Jude Law, but do expect to laugh.


The world is frozen and the only survivors are aboard a massive train that circles the world once a year, and that train is called Snowpiercer. Sounds awful, and it may even be awful, but it is enjoyable. There are enough positive elements here that overcome the nonsensicalness and silliness of the story. Aside from a good cast and good directing, the movie has an over the top sense of bravado that it probably shouldn't have. The film really believes in itself even though it's a silly concept that should have been made with 3rd rate actors and a no-name director. Snowpiercer is like the little engine that could, and I was rooting for it the whole way.